Blog Archives

Companies ‘cannot ignore the smartphone revolution’

April 25, 2012

West business leaders need to understand how smartphones are changing the way individuals engage with their products and services – or they risk being left behind by the competition. The warning came from technology expert Richard Hull in an address to senior directors at a recent event staged by Executive Foundation, the leadership and...

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New Royal Crescent owner says hotel is ‘epitome of elegance’

April 25, 2012

The chairman of Topland Group, the international investment group that recently acquired Bath’s prestigious Royal Crescent Hotel, has spoken about the deal. Sol Zakay said: “We are delighted to include this truly exceptional luxury hotel in our ever expanding hotel portfolio. Once again Topland has utilised its war chest to ‘purchase for cash’ and...

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Record number of new firms shrug off downturn to start up in Bath

April 25, 2012

The national economy may still be in the doldrums but a record 93 new companies were registered in Bath during March. The figure smashes the previous best, pre-recession, months of September 2003 and March 2006 when 87 companies were registered, according to Companies House data. Of March’s 93 new companies, 91 are regular limited...

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Bath’s Jamie’s Italian restaurant to take part in worldwide food revolution

April 25, 2012

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver’s Foundation is launching the first world-wide Food Revolution Day on May 19 during which his Jamie's Italian in Bath will be running a homemade lemonade stand and serving a hog roast from 11am until 3pm. Food Revolution Day will inspire, educate and empower people about real food and thousands of food lovers in...

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UK economy slumps back into recession

April 25, 2012
UK economy slumps back into recession

Britain has slumped back into recession, official figures released earlier today show. The economy shrank by 0.2% in the first three months of this year. Coming after the contraction of 0.3% in the last three months of 2011, this technically puts the country back into recession. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said there...

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Partner appointed at Bath law firm Mowbray Woodwards

April 25, 2012

Bath law firm Mowbray Woodwards has appointed Kate Jackson as partner and deputy head of its residential property team. Kate joined the firm in January last year, bringing more than 18 years’ experience as a residential property solicitor. She specialises in all areas of residential conveyancing including assents of property and matrimonial transfers. Kate...

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Airlines announce two new routes from Bristol

April 19, 2012
Airlines announce two new routes from Bristol

Budget airline EasyJet is to introduce a year-round service to Copenhagen from Bristol this autumn. It follows Ryanair's announcement that it will launch Bristol's 8th route to Poland, flying three times a week to Warsaw Modlin from October 30. Easyjet will fly to Copenhagen Airport every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday with fares starting...

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House builder raises cash for Dreams Come True charity

April 19, 2012

A regional house builder has raised more than £3,000 for a Wiltshire charity that helps terminally and seriously ill children. Malmesbury-based Charles Church Wessex and its employees raised the money for Dreams Come True through a number of different fund-raising initiatives.  In total, £49,640 was raised by Charles Church at its 24 regional businesses....

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Etherlive appoints new team members as London 2012 projects gather pace

April 19, 2012
Etherlive appoints new team members as London 2012 projects gather pace

  Wiltshire’s Etherlive appoints new team members as London 2012 projects gather pace Chris Mooge and Michael Jones (pictured) have joined Etherlive to support the company's activities in the capital for the London Media Centre during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Chris and Michael will be based at Etherlive's Chippenham head office before transferring...

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‘Big shed’ developers get ready for an upturn

April 19, 2012
‘Big shed’ developers get ready for an upturn

Developers of large warehouses – so-called big sheds – are starting to buy sites in the West, positioning themselves for an upturn in demand, according to commercial property advisors GVA. However, the firm’s annual Industrial Intelligence report warns that the region is facing a shortage of good quality accommodation because of the lack of speculative development.  GVA’s industrial...

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