Blog Archives

High-flying easyJet to launch Naples service from Bristol Airport

September 22, 2011
High-flying easyJet to launch Naples service from Bristol Airport

EasyJet is to introduce flights from Bristol to Naples, bringing to 43 its number of destinations from the airport. The budget airline, which today raised its full-year profit guidance, said fares on the route would start at £31.99 (one-way, including taxes). The three-times-weekly service will operate from  May 12 to September 1 next year....

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Money matters: Probe launched into hidden holiday money charges

September 21, 2011

Holidaymakers are being charged too much for their foreign currency because of complex charges and misleading information, according to watchdog group Consumer Focus. UK travellers exchange around £27bn each year and Consumer Focus questions whether much of the estimated £1bn charged in fees is warranted. It has submitted a so-called super-complaint to the Office...

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South West Screen boss appointed first Creative England chief

September 20, 2011

From Bristol 24-7 The chief executive of South West Screen has been named as the first CEO of the new organisation charged with promoting the film industry in England. Caroline Norbury will take charge of Creative England at the start of October after nine years as head of the regional organisation which funds,...

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Bath Uni-led innovative clean water project gets under way

September 16, 2011
Drop Falling into Water

Scientists from the University's of Bath Department of Biology and Biochemistry have teamed up with Chinese environmental innovation company Aragreen to open an industrial plant in Gloucestershire that uses algae to clean waste water. The pilot project will demonstrate the efficacy of algae as a sustainable water polishing technology, using waste water from a...

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Media: Improve your selling skills seminar

September 16, 2011

Creative Bath has teamed up with interactive business speaker Ali Cameron-Daw for a free session on improving personal selling skills. After this three-hour session, Creative Bath members will be able to: * Raise the DESIRE for their service/product without pressurising prospects * Enjoy cold calling and improve their success rate on the phone *...

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Hats off to homeless charity fundraising day

September 16, 2011

Sherlock actor Martin Freeman is calling on Bath businesses to hunt out hilarious hats and wear them on November 4 to raise funds for St Mungo’s, the national charity which will start operating a centre in Bath providing healthcare advice and support for homeless people. Martin is joined by TV comedian Ed Byrne in...

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Gloomy survey results point to new economic slowdown

September 12, 2011

Business confidence among UK firms has slumped to a 26-month low, triggering fears that the economy will go into reverse over the next three months. The gloomy outlook comes from the latest Business Trends report by accountants and business advisors BDO, and reinforces a spate of downbeat surveys over recent weeks pointing to tougher...

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Media: Calling all freelancers. Your chance to pitch to Bath’s creatives

September 9, 2011

Freelancers are to get a chance to pitch their skills to some of Bath’s most exciting companies at an event later this month staged by Creative Bath. The companies will meet freelancers in 10-minute slots from 5pm onwards at the Freelancer Fair on September 26 at Jika Jika in Princes Buildings. Among the jobs...

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Former Barclays regional chairman joins Grant Thornton

September 8, 2011
Grant thornton 2 staff

Simon Moore, one of the region’s leading bankers, has joined accountants and business advisers Grant Thornton as a senior consultant, one of two top-level appointments made by the firm as it embarks on a new phase of growth in the South West. Simon joins from Barclays Corporate where he was chairman and managing director...

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Stamp of approval for innovative medical mail out system

September 7, 2011

An innovative application that will help medical practices save time and money on mail outs has been developed by Radstock-based print and post specialist CFH Docmail with EMIS, the UK’s leading supplier of clinical software and related services to GPs. Called EMIS Mail, it is an easy-to-use application that allows practices to create mail...

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