Bath Business Blog. People against Poverty: A powerful story of growth

August 14, 2024

People against Poverty CEO Belinda Wadsworth took over the reins of the registered charity in late 2022. We caught up with her about her time with the charity so far and its plans for the mid-term future.

Q: What drew you to People against Poverty in the first place? 

Belinda: People against Poverty, although small, has always punched well above its weight, with a wide range of projects that have tangible and measurable impact in helping people in poverty in the UK and overseas become self-sufficient. I saw a great opportunity to build on the strong foundation of the previous 20 years and expand our reach and impact yet further, thereby helping many more people transform their lives.  

Q: What energises you the most?

Belinda: Connecting supporters with real-time opportunities to help someone who is living in poverty change their story from one of disadvantage to a new story of dignity and self-sustainability.  

Creating that synergy and clear line of sight between those looking to make a difference and those looking to change their life is part of what makes our work so special. For example, right now we are looking for businesses in the UK to be part of our project to provide training in business skills for 60 women in Malawi so they can start up their own small businesses. It’s a privilege and hugely energising!

Q: What have been your priorities so far? 

Belinda: With an exciting new five-year strategy for growth in place, we have been working on expanding our reach to new locations, as well as developing new projects and engaging new partners.

Q: What have been the main challenges so far? 

Belinda: The current economic environment is very challenging, especially for small charities like us, with many struggling to stay afloat. We know businesses are challenged too, but with poverty on the rise in the UK and overseas, we are looking to the business community to be part of our story of growth so that together we can see more lives changed.

Q: What are your plans for developing projects in this current financial year?

Belinda: We are currently looking to expand our Fresh Veg for Foodbanks project in the UK, our Women’s Self-Help Groups (business/financial management training) and Seeds for Sustainability projects in Malawi, and to increase support for our children and young people’s educational projects in Romania, Tanzania, Haiti and India, including providing English language tuition to open up broader opportunities to them.

Q: How can businesses find out more if they would like to get involved?

Belinda: They can take a look at our brochure for businesses here, follow us on LinkedIn or email us at for an informal, no-obligation discussion about business sponsorship and the benefits of corporate philanthropy.

To learn more about People against Poverty’s projects and forthcoming events, visit



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