Businesswoman in running for national ‘inspirational’ award

June 12, 2015

Specialist training firm Sales Coaching Solutions’ managing director Alison Edgar will find out tomorrow if she has won a major national award for influential businesswomen.

Alison, pictured, has been nominated in the Women’s Role Model/Advocate category of Women Inspiring Women Awards, being staged in Birmingham.

Chippenham-based Sales Coaching Solutions is a sales and customer service training and coaching provider – and Alison believes that, when delivered correctly, sales and customer service is the same thing.

By encouraging the understanding of this concept, and the techniques to help practice it, the firm trains and coaches businesses to maximise their sales and increase their profits. 

Alison has already employed two women to help her grow her business – including her ex-boss Lou Elliott.

Sales Coaching Solutions also works with the Growth Vouchers and Growth Accelerator schemes to help boost small businesses, with one client quadrupling inquiries, tripling turnover and doubling profits. Its Growth Vouchers work alone has helped clients to create 10 jobs and generate £1m in revenue.

The 10 categories making up the Women Inspiring Women Awards celebrate the achievements of the UK’s most inspirational businesswomen. The prestigious awards ceremony is at Birmingham’s Macdonald Burlington Hotel.




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