Change at the top ushers in new chapter for Bath’s oldest charity as it celebrates milestone year

July 18, 2024

The CEO of Bath’s oldest charity, St John's Foundation, is to step down after six years in the role.

David Hobdey, pictured, who retires later this month, joined the community organisation, which 850th anniversary this year, in 2016 as finance director. 

He became CEO two years later and in 2020 was instrumental in launching a new 10-year strategy for the charity.

Catharine Brown, the former chief executive of Designability, the Bath charity that enables disabled people to live with greater independence, has been appointed as St John's Foundation’s interim CEO as it enters the second half of the strategic plan.  

The plan has already extended the charity’s work to help under-served children in the area with the ambitious goal of narrowing the academic attainment gap.

Early data indicates encouraging improvements in literacy levels in primary school-age children and improving speech and language development in children before they go to school.

During his tenure David Hobdey has also continued to lead on the charity’s core work to support older adults in the community, including through its almshouse and wider initiatives, as well as supporting individuals at a point of crisis. 

He said: “I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to be part of this charity for eight years, and to lead it for the past six, including into this milestone year for St John’s which saw Queen Camillia join us in her capacity as patron in a special service at Bath Abbey in February.  

“It is humbling to have played a part in the history of this vitally important local institution. My decision to retire at this juncture has been long in planning and, with the extraordinary senior sector experience in my interim successor Catharine, the transition of leadership couldn’t be smoother.” 

Catharine, pictured, joined the charity as a trustee last year. She has more than 20 years’ experience in leadership roles at major organisations, as well as having worked in marketing, fundraising, board and trustee positions within local, national and international charities, including as interim and permanent CEO.  

Following an early career in marketing, including positions at Marks & Spencer and The Economist, she moved to the charity sector in 2005.

She has since held long-term interim director roles at five national charities, including Young Lives vs Cancer and Bath-based Ripple Effect (the organisation working with families in rural Africa, previously Send a Cow) and Designability, where she was permanent CEO for more than four years.

As well as holding several interim director roles, Catharine has also established a consultancy business working with trustee boards and leaders to help them achieve greater impact.  

She has lived in Bath for more than 20 years and is well versed with the city’s challenges, opportunities and networks.  

She said: “I am delighted to step into the interim CEO role at St John’s Foundation and play my part in guiding this important charity as we move into the second half of our strategy.  

“The eight months during which I have been trustee have allowed me to build up a detailed knowledge of its work and the many stakeholders involved.  

“My own long-standing experience of working and living in Bath will be extremely helpful and make the transition with David as seamless as possible, which is positive for our beneficiaries and all our stakeholders.” 

In a statement, the charity’s board of trustees said: “We wish to thank David for his leadership and the important contribution he has made to the charity during his tenure. We are also very excited to welcome Catharine into the interim CEO position.  

“Catharine is a highly respected figure in the Bath community, and in the charity sector nationally. We were delighted when she joined the Board of Trustees last year and  her energy, experience and acumen will be a real strength to our organisation.” 

For more information about St John's Foundation, which is also the 11th oldest charity in England, visit St John’s Foundation


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