Construction consultancy Edmond Shipway, which has an office in Bath, has been appointed as cost consultant on the city’s £6m Archway Centre development.
The ambitious scheme, part-funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, will create a state-of-the-art Roman Baths Learning Centre above the former laundry in Swallow Street and a World Heritage Site Visitor Centre in York Street.
The comprehensive programme of works will allow people to discover parts of the site that have never before been open to the public.
The plans, devised by Bath architects Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, also include innovative proposals to heat the centre with energy recovered from waste water in the Roman Drain.
Nottingham-based Edmond Shipway has been awarded the contract by Bath and North East Somerset Council.
The firm’s Bath office director Neill Dowsett said: ‘I am delighted to be a part of this exceptional scheme which will help to keep the heritage of Bath alive. This project will provide the Roman Baths with a host of cutting-edge facilities, enabling both schools and the general public alike to maximise their learning experience. We look forward seeing the finished product.”
Edmond Shipway, which deals with activity of more than £750m a year, has eight bases across the UK. Its services span project management, building surveying, cost consultancy and mechanical, electrical and sustainability consultancy.
Work on the Archway Centre is due to be completed by December 2017.