Major upgrade and modernisation for second 18th-century Bath hotel will ‘protect its historic fabric’

June 26, 2024

Another Bath hotel is to embark on an extensive refurbishment project after its plans were approved by councillors.

The Grade-I listed Parade Park Hotel on North Parade, pictured, will undergo ‘essential repair and refurbishment’, its owners South African asset management firm Fairtree has said. 

The work on the 33-bedroom hotel will also create a small number of spa rooms and treatment facilities along with a new garden building housing three bedrooms.

The decision by Bath & North East Somerset to give the work the green light means it will take place at roughly the same time as a £13m refurbishment of Bath’s iconic Francis Hotel, which will include the upgrade of all the Queen Square venue’s 98 bedrooms along with the creation of a new thermal spa.

Fairtree acquired Parade Park Hotel in 2022. The venue, which also includes The Apple Tree bar, had been marketed with a £6m guide price.

The hotel is managed by Providence Hotels, the Bath-based specialist hospitality management group that also runs the Grade-I listed The Kennard boutique guesthouse on Bath’s Henrietta Street along with eight other hotels in Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and the Lake District.

It also operates six hotels in South Africa.

In a statement supporting the planning application for refurbishment, Fairtree said: “Parade Park Hotel is in need of essential repair and refurbishment, and the proposed alterations to internal layouts and external improvements will provide functionally and accessible facilities necessary for that of a modern hotel.

“Through extensive research into the building’s history, a clear design brief has been developed to not only improve the hotel but protect its historic fabric.

“Through remedial works, removal of modern alterations and the replacement of original details and windows, the proposed scheme will greatly improve the condition of the hotel.

“In addition, the improvement works to the garden and proposed courtyard rooms will enhance a currently forgotten and important area of the existing building.”

The hotel spans three houses dating back to 1740 and were previously used as lodging houses from the 1750s for 170 years.

Separate hotels were then created, with numbers 8 and 9 becoming connected and known as the Grosvenor Hotel in 1921.

By 1931, No 10 had become Sheriff’s Hotel and was rebranded as North Parade Hotel in the 1960s.

The three properties were linked in 1997 to create one single large hotel.


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