Experienced family solicitor Juliet Gordon has been appointed to law firm Goughs Solicitors’ farming & rural land team to support families in the area’s farming communities.
Juliet, pictured, has joined the firm, which has seven offices across Wiltshire, including in Chippenham, Trowbridge, Melksham and Corsham, from Thompson Smith and Puxon Solicitors in Colchester.
She decided to make the move to after visiting the area a few years ago and loving the natural beauty in and around Wiltshire.
Juliet started at Goughs in the same week as the government’s new no-fault divorce law came into force and she has welcomed its aim of moving away from the ‘blame-game’ and allowing couples to divorce more amicably.
She said: “Having always wanted to be a lawyer, and one who provides calm and empathetic advice while problem solving and building lasting relationships with clients, the choice to specialise in family law was an easy one.
“The change in the law is therefore a very welcome one for myself and my clients. It negates the need for one party to ‘blame’ the other, instead allowing parties to agree to go their separate ways.
“This reduces stress which in turn is far better for any children that might be involved in the relationship.”
She said the change in the law also meant that parties could now file a joint application, if they wished to do so, which allowed separating parties to take the necessary steps to part ways as a mutual decision.
“While either party still has the option to file a sole application, the intention is that the option of a joint application will help parties who want to make the decision to divorce or end their civil partnership together,” she said.
“This again will reduce stress and allow for parties to separate more amicably and focus on collaboratively resolving other issues which arise as a result of the separation.”
The new law introduces a new minimum overall time frame of six months (26 weeks) which includes a mandatory period of reflection to provide the parties with a greater opportunity to agree the practical and financial arrangements for the future.
Juliet made the move to Goughs Solicitors after having visited the area a few years ago and loving the natural beauty in and around Wiltshire.
She has joined the Goughs Farming & Rural Land sector to support families in Wiltshire’s farming communities. She plans on making the most of having an excellent work-life balance, whilst becoming the best family lawyer she can be, with the support of the team at Goughs.
Goughs partner and head of its family team, Thomas Boyce, added: “We are thrilled to have welcomed Juliet to the team.
“2022 is set to be another year of growth for both the family team and the firm. In the past year we have, once again, received excellent national recognition from Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners for the client work we do, but primarily our aim is to provide the best possible service for our clients.
“We can only further our successes with the addition of such knowledgeable and passionate lawyers.”
Goughs Solicitors, which was established in 1882, employs 100 people providing legal services for both individuals and businesses including divorce & separation, arrangements for children, employment, Wills, Trusts & Probate, commercial & residential property services and real estate & corporate services.
For more information on no-fault divorce and all other family law matters, contact Juliet on julietgordon@goughs.co.uk