With many workers forced to stay at home today because of snow, workplace experts Acas look at the legal issues and offer tips for employers.
Adverse weather
Heavy snowfall can lead to a rise in staff absence as workers struggle to make it in to work.
- Employees are not automatically entitled to pay if unable to get to work because of bad weather
- Have a clear policy – employees need to know what you expect from them in terms of getting to work
- Be flexible where possible – for example, could you and your employees agree to temporarily alter working hours to minimise disruptions?
- Use information technology to keep your business running. Can employees work from home?
- Plan ahead – misunderstandings often lead to conflict so be clear!
For more information view Acas’ adverse weather guidance
Flu and colds
Winter colds and flu mean an increase in workers calling in sick.
- Employers should ensure employees know when they have to contact work on the first day of sickness and should routinely hold back to work interviews when staff return.
- Employees should either fill in a self-certificate explaining their short-term sickness or they should get a Statement of Fitness for Work (also known as a doctor’s statement or ‘fit note’) if the illness lasts more than seven days. Acas’ managing attendance guidance can help.
For more information view Acas’ guidance – Managing attendance and employee turnover
Acas winter top tips guidance is available at www.acas.org.uk/winter