The Last Word: Rachel McGill, CEO and co-founder, Resilient Leaders Elements

August 16, 2024

Each week Bath Business News gives a prominent member of the citys business community the last word on its weekly e-bulletin. This week, Rachel McGill from Resilient Leaders Elements, answers our 10 questions.

What was the LAST:  

Film you watchedThe Boys in the Boat. A truly inspiring feel-good and true story about the US Olympics rowing team competing for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Games. Really powerful viewing.

Book you readThrone of Glass by Sarah J Maas. My daughter recommended this fantasy series to me and it’s got me absolutely hooked!

Music you bought/downloaded: Houdini by Eminem. He’s just as good as he ever was all these years later, and maybe even getting better with age!

Concert or play you went to see: I was taken to see Mamma Mia! in the West End as a gift for my birthday. I have always loved ABBA’s music and it was an incredible performance to enjoy live.

Sporting event you attended: Chelsea vs Fulham.

Holiday you went on: Sri Lanka for a cricket tour, supporting my partner in both life and business, Richard. There are definitely worse places to go on holiday! I adored Sri Lanka and would love to go back again someday — but maybe without the cricket next time!

Restaurant you ate in: Pony Chew Valley in Chew Magna.

Thing that annoyed you: A spiteful comment about someone else on Twitter (now X) from an anonymous sender — I hate that! If you have something to say, at least be open about your identity so that they can reply to you.

Thing that made you laugh out loud: My baby niece starting to talk – adorable and hilarious in equal measure.

Piece of good advice you were given: “Everything has its season, and everything will change – trusting that helps you to let things go.”

Having served as an army officer, Rachel McGill has 30 years’leadership development experience and specialises in the development of resilience in leaders and the tools they need to succeed. As co-founder of Resilient Leaders Elements with her colleague Dr Jeremy Mead, her ambition is to make world-class resilient leadership development available to all. Rachel has designed and facilitated hundreds of courses for thousands of people and leads on ensuring pragmatic approaches to leadership development.



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